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  • Wednesday, June 7 — an announcement and 1 significant news story

Wednesday, June 7 — an announcement and 1 significant news story

Everyday chemicals threaten reproduction

Many people noticed that there’s been lots of news about climate change lately. The algorithm worked as expected: these articles satisfied all the criteria we had: high scale, magnitude, potential, and credibility. But they didn’t offer anything new and were mostly repeating already-known facts.

To fix this, I’m adding the fifth scoring parameter: Novelty. It should penalize purely educational content in favor of articles covering new developments and unexpected events. At least that’s the intention behind it — I don’t know yet how this will change the content of the newsletter over the long term. Let’s find out together.

Now back to the news:

Today ChatGPT read 1036 top news stories and gave 2 of them a significance score over 7.

After removing previously covered events, here is today’s significant news:

[8.0] Chemicals in everyday products linked to a significant decline in sperm counts and potential crisis in human reproduction — Sydney Morning Herald

Chemicals found in everyday products such as tin can linings, cosmetics, nail polish, Teflon pans, and flame retardants on cushions have been linked to a significant decline in sperm counts and a potential "crisis in human reproduction," according to Australian fertility specialists. Sperm counts have fallen by 52% in the past five decades, and the decline appears to be accelerating. Environmental and reproductive epidemiologist Dr Shanna Swan has discovered that chemicals that can interfere with the body's hormones, such as phthalates found in personal care products, fragrances, plastics, and dust, and BPAs found in plastics, are among those affecting the development of baby boys via the mother's exposure in early pregnancy.

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