Wednesday, April 26 — 2 most significant news

Only significant news, summarized by ChatGPT

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Today ChatGPT read 1417 articles and gave 2 of them a score over 6.5.

After removing duplicates and repeats, here is today’s most significant news:

[7.2] Global Military Spending Reaches All-Time High in 2022, Led by US — Business Insider

A report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reveals that global military spending reached an all-time high in 2022, with the US spending $877 billion, accounting for almost 40% of the total. In comparison, the US federal government allocated $76.4 billion for education in the same year. European countries saw the largest increases in military spending, driven by Russia's invasions of Ukraine. The report suggests that the continuous rise in military expenditure indicates an increasingly insecure world, with states bolstering military strength in response to a deteriorating security environment.

[7.0] The United States Secretary of the Treasury, warns of economic catastrophe if U.S. debt ceiling is not raised. — Reuters

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned that failure to raise the government's debt ceiling would result in an "economic catastrophe" with long-lasting higher interest rates. She urged Congress to increase or suspend the $31.4 trillion borrowing cap, stating that a default would threaten the US's economic progress since the Covid-19 pandemic. If the debt ceiling is not raised, US businesses will face deteriorating credit markets, and the government will likely be unable to issue payments to military families and seniors who rely on Social Security.

Want to read more? See today’s top here:

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