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US prepares algorithms to counter quantum attacks + 2 more stories

US releases new algorithms for defense against quantum hacking, UN dismisses nine employees over attack involvement, France restricts movements of 500 security threats for Olympics.

Today ChatGPT read 9231 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 3 articles with a significance score over 5.8.

[6.7] US to publish algorithms against quantum hacking threats — Financial Times [$]

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is set to publish three security algorithms to protect data from potential quantum hacking. This initiative responds to concerns that future quantum computers could break traditional encryption methods.

NIST's standards, influenced by global input, will be mandatory for federal agencies and may prompt private sectors to enhance their cybersecurity measures amid rising threats.

[5.8] United Nations says nine employees 'may have' been involved in October 7 attack — ABC News

The United Nations has terminated nine staff members from its Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) following an investigation suggesting potential involvement in the October 7 attacks by Hamas, which resulted in 1,200 Israeli deaths.

U.S. funding to UNRWA remains suspended, but other nations, including Australia, have resumed financial support. UNRWA, crucial for Palestinian aid amidst ongoing conflicts, has seen over 200 of its staff killed since the outbreak of violence.

[5.8] France restricts movements of 500 potential security threats — The Associated Press

French authorities are utilizing broad anti-terror discretionary powers to restrict over 500 individuals deemed potential threats during the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Many affected are minorities, especially from former colonies, facing movement limitations and daily police check-ins. In 2017, laws permitting these restrictions were enacted following prior terrorist attacks in France. The use of these powers has raised concerns of civil liberties violations.

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[5.3] U.S. and allies make last-minute push to avert full Middle East war
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[5.4] US hands over its last military base in Niger to the ruling junta
(The Associated Press + 7)

[5.3] India's coal demand rises despite renewable energy growth
(The Associated Press + 5)

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