Ticketmaster hack affects 560M users + 2 more stories

Asian mosquitoes disrupt malaria control. Delhi hits record 50.5C temperature. Ticketmaster data breach affects millions.

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Today ChatGPT read 1234 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 3 articles with a significance score over 5.7.

[6.7] Asian mosquito species threaten Africa's anti-malaria efforts — The Hindu

The spread of mosquito species from Asia across Africa threatens malaria control efforts, especially in urban areas now home to 42.5% of the population. Since its detection in 2012, it has spread to urban areas in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan. This mosquito's resilience and adaptability undermine common measures like insecticide-treated nets. National programs are increasing urban surveillance and community awareness to curb breeding.

[6.3] Delhi temperature hits 50.5C as India’s capital records hottest day — The Guardian

Delhi recorded its highest temperature ever at 50.5C (122.9F), nine degrees above normal. Authorities warned of water shortages and health risks for vulnerable populations. Measures are being taken to conserve water.

[6.0] Ticketmaster faces massive data breach affecting 560 million customers — Sydney Morning Herald

Notorious hacker group ShinyHunters claims to have stolen personal data of 560 million Ticketmaster customers globally. The 1.3 terabytes of data include names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, and payment details. ShinyHunters seeks $US500,000 for the data.

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