Thursday, September 14 — 4 significant news stories

Climate change's disease effect, Long Covid's toll, AI oversight talks, Moderna's flu breakthrough.

Today ChatGPT read 1241 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 4 articles with a significance score over 7.

[7.3] Climate change worsens infectious diseases, emissions reduction is key. — Financial Times

Climate change, combined with the El Niño effect, is amplifying the spread of infectious diseases worldwide. The recent record-breaking northern hemisphere summer has heightened concerns, especially with past El Niño events linked to spikes in malaria, dengue fever, and cholera in various regions. A University of Hawaii study found that 58% of infectious diseases in humans can be exacerbated by climate shifts. As temperatures rise, disease-spreading vectors like mosquitoes are expanding their range and becoming more active.

[7.3] Long Covid has greater impact than cancer or heart disease. — Financial Times

A study conducted by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine and the Veterans Affairs St Louis healthcare system has found that the impact of long Covid has been significant, with the "healthy life years" lost to the condition surpassing those lost to cancer or heart disease. The study found that long Covid took 80 healthy life years per 1,000 residents in the first two years post-infection, compared to 50 for cancer and 52 for heart disease. However, unlike cancer and heart disease, there is currently no treatment for long Covid, which could potentially contribute to a decline in life expectancy and impact labor participation, economic productivity, and societal well-being.

[7.2] Tech CEOs meet with lawmakers to discuss artificial intelligence regulation. — Reuters

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, alongside other tech giants including Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai, met with lawmakers at Capitol Hill to discuss artificial intelligence regulation. Musk emphasized the need for a U.S. "referee" to oversee the safe use of AI. Zuckerberg urged Congress to collaborate with AI for innovation and safeguards. Over 60 senators participated, with many agreeing on the need for government oversight of AI.

[7.0] Moderna's experimental flu vaccine shows stronger immune response in late-stage trial. — CNBC

Moderna announced that its experimental mRNA-based flu vaccine, mRNA-1010, demonstrated a stronger immune response against four flu strains than a currently available vaccine in a recent late-stage trial. This success comes after Moderna had to reformulate its initial vaccine, which had insufficient data on its efficacy. The new flu vaccine's side effects were comparable to prior findings, including muscle pain and fatigue. Moderna aims to diversify its portfolio, already known for its mRNA Covid vaccine, and projects sales of up to $15 billion by 2027 from its respiratory vaccines.

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