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  • Thursday, October 5 — Record-breaking global temperatures, South American monsoon risk, amphibian decline, recession warning, Meta's AI tools, Android 14, Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Thursday, October 5 — Record-breaking global temperatures, South American monsoon risk, amphibian decline, recession warning, Meta's AI tools, Android 14, Nobel Prize in Chemistry

Today’s news prompted me to run a poll on environment.

This category mainly features articles on trends and projections, and excludes short-term and extreme natural disasters like wildfires.

Many articles will address rising temperatures and climate change, but also other environmental issues, like chemical management, air pollution, and plastics pollution.

On a scale from 2 to -2, how do you engage with and feel about news related to environment?

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Today ChatGPT read 1195 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 7 articles with a significance score over 7.

[8.5] September 2023: Record-breaking global temperatures, urgent need to reduce emissions. — The Guardian

Global temperatures in September 2023 reached a new record, surpassing the previous record by 0.5°C, the largest jump in temperature ever seen. September was about 1.8°C warmer than pre-industrial levels, driven by high carbon dioxide emissions and the El Niño climate phenomenon.

[7.4] South American monsoon at risk due to deforestation and global heating. — The Guardian

The South American monsoon, which plays a crucial role in determining the climate of the continent, is approaching a "critical destabilisation point" due to deforestation in the Amazon and global heating, according to a study published in Science Advances. The study warns that if the tipping point is reached, it could result in up to 30% less rainfall, a dieback of the forest, and a severe impact on food production. The researchers urge policymakers to take urgent action to prevent this scenario.

[7.2] Climate change causing decline of amphibians, most threatened vertebrate group. — The Washington Post

A major study published in the journal Nature has found that rising global temperatures due to climate change have become the primary reason for the decline of over 100 amphibian species between 2004 and 2022. Amphibians are particularly vulnerable to climate change as they lack the ability to regulate their temperature and moisture levels in a hotter and more drought-stricken world. Over 2 in 5 amphibian species are at risk of extinction, making them the most threatened group of vertebrates.

[7.3] Unctad warns central banks of recession risk, calls for pro-growth approach. — The Guardian

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) has warned that central banks risk pushing the global economy into a recession unless they relax their 2% inflation targets and adopt a more pro-growth stance. Unctad pointed to evidence of a looming debt crisis in poor countries, stating that the sharp rises in interest rates from major central banks since 2021 have increased inequality and reduced investment without effectively combating inflation. The report also highlighted that global growth is expected to slow from 3% in 2022 to 2.4% in 2023, with little sign of a rebound next year.

[7.2] Meta Platforms introduces generative AI tools for advertisers. — Reuters

Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has announced that it is rolling out generative AI tools for advertisers. These tools, which can create content like image backgrounds and variations of written text, were tested earlier this year and will be available in Meta's Ads Manager by next year. This move marks Meta's first step into incorporating generative AI technology into its products for generating new content.

[7.0] Android 14: Customization, accessibility, and privacy updates for supported devices. — TechCrunch

Google has unveiled Android 14 at its Made By Google event, introducing new customization options and accessibility features. The update is rolling out to supported Pixel devices today and will be available on other devices later this year. Android 14 includes features such as an updated customization picker, AI-generated wallpapers, improved photo and camera quality, enhanced accessibility options for low-vision and hard-of-hearing users, and more control over data privacy.

[7.0] Nobel Prize awarded for quantum dot discovery with various applications. — Reuters

Scientists Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus, and Alexei Ekimov have been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their discovery of quantum dots, which are now used in flat screens, LED lamps, and medical imaging devices. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences stated that their findings have great potential in various fields, including flexible electronics, sensors, solar cells, and quantum communication.

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