Thursday, May 11 — 1 significant news

Record 71 Million People Displaced Globally in 2022

Today ChatGPT read 1170 top news and gave 2 of them a significance score over 6.5.

After removing repeats, here is today’s significant news:

[6.9] Record 71 million people internally displaced worldwide due to conflicts and climate disasters. — Reuters

Last year, a record-breaking 71 million people around the world had to leave their homes due to conflicts and climate-related disasters, a 20% increase from the previous year. Most of these displaced individuals are living in 10 countries that experienced significant upheaval in 2022. Of these, the conflict in Ukraine led to around 17 million people being displaced. Conflict and violence caused around 28 million displacements, three times the average annual rate of the last decade. Natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, and landslides, caused a majority of the displacements, affecting around 33 million people. The conflict in Ukraine has also worsened global food security, negatively affecting those who have been displaced the most and undermining previous progress in reducing worldwide hunger and malnutrition.

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