Thursday, June 29 — 5 significant news stories

Blood type A and COVID-19 risks, EU's call for geoengineering regulation, potential TB vaccine development, central bank chiefs target inflation, global surge in central bank digital currencies

Today ChatGPT read 988 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 5 articles with a significance score over 8.

[8.6] Blood group A linked to higher susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infections — News-Medical.Net

A recent study shows that people with blood type A may be more at risk of contracting COVID-19. The researchers found that the virus appears to attach more easily to type A blood cells, which can increase the chance of infection by 25-50% higher, depending on the variant of the virus.

[8.5] EU calls for international talks on geoengineering regulation to address climate change risks — The Verge

The European Union (EU) is advocating for global regulations on geo engineering technologies due to the potential risks they pose. This concern was highlighted by the actions of a startup, Make Sunsets, which released sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere with the intention of cooling the Earth. However, these actions, taken without proper approval, could potentially lead to harmful effects such as acid rain and damage to the ozone layer. Therefore, the EU's call for regulations is to ensure that such activities are conducted responsible and with a clear understanding of potential consequences.

[8.2] Major funding for late-stage development of potential first tuberculosis vaccine in 100 years — BusinessLine

The tuberculosis (TB) vaccine candidate, M72, will receive $550 million in funding from the Wellcome Trust and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for its Phase III clinical trial set to start in 2024. The study aims to test the vaccine across 26,000 individuals in Africa and Southeast Asia, including those with latent TB, HIV, and uninfected individuals. The M72 vaccine candidate, which has shown about 50% efficacy in Phase IIb trials, could be the first effective TB vaccine in 100 years if successful. This vaccine development is crucial as TB has become the leading global killer post-Covid-19, and the only existing TB vaccine, BCG, offers limited protection for adolescents and adults.

[8.2] Central bank chiefs indicate willingness to maintain high interest rates to control inflation — Financial Times

Leaders of major central banks, including the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and the Bank of England, are ready to increase interest rates to control inflation, targeting a rate of about 2%. This decision is influenced by tight labor markets and rising wages. However, the International Monetary Fund warns that such actions could trigger a financial crisis. Current inflation rates stand at 6.1% in the Eurozone, 4% in the US, and 8.7% in the UK.

[8.1] Global push for central bank digital currencies gains momentum — Reuters

A study by the Atlantic Council think tank reveals that 130 countries, representing 98% of the global economy, are exploring digital versions of their currencies. Nearly half of these countries are in advanced stages of development, pilot testing, or launching their digital currencies. Eleven countries, including Nigeria and several Caribbean nations, have already launched central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). China's pilot testing covers 260 million people and 200 scenarios, while India and Brazil plan to launch their digital currencies next year. The European Central Bank aims to begin its digital euro pilot in 2028, and over 20 other countries will take significant steps towards pilots this year. In the United States, progress on a digital dollar is moving forward for a wholesale version but has stalled for a retail version. The global push for CBDCs is driven by the decline in physical cash use, the threat from cryptocurrencies and big tech firms, and the need for alternatives to traditional payment networks.

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