Sunday, September 10 — 1 significant news story

Morocco's earthquake

Today we analyzed only 300 articles — there was a problem with articles extraction and I caught it too late. The issue is fixed now, so we should have a full 1000 articles again tomorrow.

Today ChatGPT read 300 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there is 1 article with a significance score over 7.

[7.2] Powerful earthquake in Morocco claims over 2,000 lives, devastates villages and cities. — CTV News

A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.8, the largest in Morocco in 120 years, hit the country, resulting in the death of over 2,000 people. The tremor caused significant damage in mountainous villages and historical cities unprepared for such an event, bringing down buildings and leaving communities under rubble. Remote areas lost essential services like electricity and cellphone connectivity, and the nation's Interior Ministry reported thousands injured. As international offers of assistance poured in, Morocco's King Mohammed VI directed the military to aid in search and rescue operations.

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