Sunday, June 18 — 2 significant news stories

India's diabetes crisis, malaria sensor breakthrough for prevention strategies

Today ChatGPT read 920 top news stories and gave 4 of them a significance score over 7.

After removing previously covered events and recaps, here is today’s significant news:

[7.4] Over a quarter of India's population is diabetic or pre-diabetic, study finds — The Indian Express

A study by the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation and Indian Council of Medical Research has found that over a quarter of India's population is either diabetic or in the pre-diabetic stage, with 101 million people living with diabetes and another 136 million in the pre-diabetes stage. The study also found that 35.5% of the population has hypertension, 28.6% is obese according to BMI measures, and 39.5% has abdominal obesity. The study is one of the largest ever attempted, with over 113,000 participants across 31 states and union territories in the country, and is highly representative of the Indian population. The findings can be used by states to develop health policies to target non-communicable diseases.

[7.3] New malaria sensor discovery could lead to improved prevention strategies — Tech Explorist

Scientists at the University of Geneva have discovered a new form of sensor that allows the Plasmodium genus microorganism, which causes malaria, to know exactly where it is and what to do. The sensor is made up of five proteins and enables the parasite to detect the presence of tiny molecules lacking in the blood but present in the mosquito when a mosquito consumes it. The study suggests that scrambling the signals this sensor sees could disorient the parasite and inhibit its proliferation and spread. Malaria is a major public health issue, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Here are yesterday’s poll results. The question was: Do you want to occasionally see the least significant news stories in the newsletter?

While slightly more people voted Yes, I think we’d need an overwhelming majority to agree, since it goes against the project’s promise. I’ll leave these stories out of the email, but they will still be available on the website.

Thanks for reading us and see you tomorrow,
News Minimalist


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