Sunday, June 11 — 3 significant news stories

Renewable energy gridlocks, Ukraine's counteroffensive, and high-end chip supply crunch

Today ChatGPT read 892 top news stories and gave 3 of them a significance score over 7.

[7.4] Grid connection delays threaten global renewable energy efforts — Financial Times

Delays in connecting renewable energy projects to electricity grids could undermine global efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to industry insiders. Grid connection delays are the “major obstacle” to the rollout of renewable projects, said Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa RE, which has operations in over 30 countries. Grid operators are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of projects requesting a connection, with more than 150 GW of wind and solar projects stuck in grid connection queues in the UK, Spain and Italy, according to BloombergNEF. The International Renewable Energy Agency has said that global annual investment in power grids and flexibility will need to hit almost $550bn a year by 2030 to keep the 1.5C goal alive.

[7.1] Ukrainian forces launch counteroffensive against Russian troops — The Washington Post

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the country's military is conducting counter offensive and defensive operations against Russian forces, but did not provide details. The announcement came during a press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who pledged $375 million in additional military aid and extended military training for Ukraine until 2026.

[7.1] Global tech industry faces crisis due to limited high-end chip supply chain — The Guardian

The global tech industry is facing a crisis as the supply chain for the highest-end chips, including those powering machine learning systems. The manufacturing of the most advanced chips faces bottlenecks, with only a few companies like ASML in the Netherlands and TSMC in Taiwan possessing the necessary capabilities. This situation leads to strategic concerns for western economies, especially since building such capacities requires not only financial investment but also time and a highly skilled workforce.

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