SpaceX and Amazon's satellite race

Today ChatGPT read 1191 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there is 1 article with a significance score over 7.

[7.2] SpaceX dominates satellites, Bezos aims to catch up, concerns arise. — The Guardian

Elon Musk's SpaceX has a dominant presence in near-Earth orbit with more than 4,500 Starlink satellites, accounting for over 50% of all active satellites. This allows Musk unprecedented control over global communications and even the ability to influence military actions, as seen in Ukraine. Jeff Bezos aims to challenge this dominance with Amazon's Project Kuiper, which recently launched its first satellites. However, Kuiper has a long way to go; it plans to deploy 3,236 satellites by 2029 compared to SpaceX's plan for 42,000.

Both companies are part of a larger trend that has experts concerned about the saturation and sustainability of orbital space. Risks include potential collisions, space debris, and political tensions arising from the "occupational behavior" of dominating these orbital "highways."

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