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  • Saturday, May 13 — 2 significant news stories & poll results

Saturday, May 13 — 2 significant news stories & poll results

G7 warn of global economic uncertainty and 1 other significant news story

Today ChatGPT read 1177 top news and gave 4 of them a significance score over 6.5.

After removing duplicates and repeats, here is today’s significant news:

[7.4] G7 finance leaders warn of global economic uncertainty. — Reuters, Financial Times

The finance ministers and central bankers of the Group of Seven (G7) nations have expressed concern over mounting economic uncertainty at the end of their three-day meeting in the Japanese city of Niigata. The meeting was dominated by concerns over the US debt ceiling and fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The communique issued by the G7 made no mention of the US debt ceiling, but the issue was a constant feature of discussions. G7 central bank chiefs pledged to combat "elevated" inflation, and the finance ministers agreed to tackle "data, supervisory and regulatory gaps" in the banking system. China was also a focus, with the G7 agreeing to a year-end deadline for launching a new scheme to diversify global supply chains.

[6.7] Russia acknowledges retreat north of Bakhmut after Ukrainian offensive. — Reuters

Moscow has acknowledged that its forces have retreated north of Ukraine's city of Bakhmut after a new Ukrainian offensive. The retreat suggests a coordinated push by Kyiv to encircle Russian forces in Bakhmut, which has been Moscow's main objective for months during the war's bloodiest fighting. Both sides are now reporting the biggest Ukrainian gains in six months, although Ukraine has given few details and played down suggestions a huge, long-planned counteroffensive had officially begun.

Now, poll results. Yesterday’s question was:

Do you want to get an email if there is no significant news to report (nothing important happened)?

Out of 900 people: 31% voted Yes, 61% voted No and 8% voted Not sure.

Thank you for participating! I’ll stop sending such emails from now on but will mention in the subsequent email that the previous day was quiet.

To those who still prefer to get these emails: I currently don’t have a way to only send emails to some subscribers but will look into that in the future.

Want to read more? See additional news on newsminimalist.com.

Thanks for reading us and see you tomorrow,
News Minimalist


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