Saturday, July 22 — 2 significant news stories

AI predicts viral variants; Ukrainian food crisis looms

Today ChatGPT read 1032 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 2 articles with a significance score over 8.

[8.6] Machine-learning system developed to predict emergence of viral variants — News-Medical.Net

Scientists at Scripps Research have developed a machine-learning system that can track the evolution of epidemic viruses and predict the emergence of viral variants. The system was demonstrated using data on SARS-CoV-2 variants and COVID-19 mortality rates, and it was able to predict the emergence of new variants ahead of official designations by the World Health Organization. The researchers believe that this system could be used in real-time to track future viral pandemics and inform public health countermeasures.

[8.4] Continued attacks on Ukrainian food facilities raise concerns of global food crisis — Reuters

Russia continued its attacks on Ukrainian food export facilities for the fourth consecutive day, targeting grain terminals in the Odesa region. The attacks on Ukraine's grain infrastructure, along with Russia's naval blockade on grain export ports, have raised concerns about a potential global food crisis. Western leaders have accused Russia of attempting to evade sanctions by threatening the global food chain.

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