Saturday, August 26 — 5 significant news stories

Tropical trees' temperature threshold, COVID-19's mental health surge, Ukraine's advance, US heatwave, and auto union strike countdown

Today ChatGPT read 1111 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 5 articles with a significance score over 7.

[7.8] Tropical trees cease to function at high temperatures, which creates a risk of destruction of tropical forests. — Business Insider

A new study reveals that tropical trees cease photosynthesis at 116 degrees Fahrenheit (46.7 degrees Celsius). With global temperatures on the rise, large sections of rainforests are at risk. Already, 0.01% of leaves in the tropical rainforest have exceeded this temperature threshold at least once per season. This research is the first to pinpoint the specific temperature at which tropical trees cannot function.

[7.8] COVID-19 increased mental health care. — The New York Times

A study published in JAMA Health Forum found that the use of mental health care significantly increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, with teletherapy playing a key role in lowering barriers to regular visits. The study analyzed insurance claims from March 2020 to August 2022 and found a 39 percent increase in mental health visits and a 54 percent increase in spending. The use of telehealth also saw a tenfold increase. The study focused on adults with employer-provided health insurance and did not cover acute or residential care. The authors believe that the increases in mental health care are likely to continue, despite potential concerns from insurers about the increased costs.

[7.2] Ukrainian forces break through Russian defenses, advancing towards Sea of Azov. — Reuters

Ukrainian forces believe they have successfully broken through the most challenging line of Russian defenses in the south, allowing them to advance more quickly, according to a commander fighting in the region. The Ukrainian counteroffensive, launched in June, has been slowed by well-prepared Russian defense lines and minefields, but the capture of the settlement of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region is seen as a significant step towards reaching the Sea of Azov. Ukrainian troops are now aiming to retake Berdiansk and other territories occupied by Russian forces.

[7.1] Heat dome brings dangerous heatwave to central and southern US. — The Washington Post

A heat dome, a weather phenomenon characterized by a high-pressure system that traps warm air in an area, is causing excessive heat and dangerous humidity across a large part of the US, with temperatures between 105 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit (40.5 and 43.3 degrees Celsius) expected in central and southern states. About 100 million people in the central US are under heat alerts, with cities including St. Louis, Indianapolis, Houston and Dallas experiencing record-breaking temperatures.

[7.1] United Auto Workers union votes to authorize strike at GM, Ford, and Stellantis. — Reuters

The United Auto Workers (UAW) union members have voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike against the Detroit Three automakers (General Motors, Ford Motor, and Stellantis) if a new labor contract isn't reached by September 14. UAW President Shawn Fain emphasized there would be no extension to this deadline and listed several demands, including a 46% wage hike and an end to wage differences for new hires. President Joe Biden expressed concern over the potential strike. The automakers are seeking a fair deal that also accommodates the transition to electric models.

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