Saturday, April 22 — 2 most significant news

Only significant news, summarized by ChatGPT

Every day, I ask ChatGPT to read the top 1000 trending news and post only the significant ones. No junk news, ever: if nothing significant happens, nothing gets posted.

Today ChatGPT read 1169 articles and gave 3 of them a score over 6.5.

After removing duplicates and repeats, here is today’s most significant news:

[7.2] US sets record pace for mass killings in 2023. — The Associated Press

The US has experienced a record pace of mass killings in 2023, with 17 mass killings taking 88 lives in 111 days. The violence has been sparked by various motives, including murder-suicides, domestic violence, gang retaliation, school shootings, and workplace vendettas. Despite the frequency of mass killings this year, the likelihood of Congress reinstating a ban on semi-automatic rifles appears far off. The US Supreme Court has also set new standards for reviewing the nation's gun laws, calling into question firearms restrictions across the country.

[6.5] WMO report shows 2022 was a year of climate extremes. — CNN

The World Meteorological Organization's annual State of the Climate Report reveals that the climate crisis intensified in 2022, with numerous climate records broken. Oceans reached record high temperatures, global sea levels climbed to the highest on record, and Antarctica's sea ice dropped to its lowest level. The European Alps experienced a record year for glacier melt, and levels of planet-warming pollution reached record highs in 2021. Extreme weather events fueled by climate change have affected tens of millions of people, driving food insecurity, mass migration, and billions of dollars in loss and damage.

Thanks for reading us and see you tomorrow,
News Minimalist


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