Poll results + 5 significant news stories

Nvidia's new AI "superchip" unveiled; Phones, laptops could run faster; Asbestos form banned after 30 years; YouTube's new synthetic media rule; Kim Jong Un supervises missile tests.

Hey everyone! See the poll results after the news.

In the last 3 days ChatGPT read 3190 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 5 articles with a significance score over 6.8.

[7.6] Nvidia unveils powerful new chip in push to extend dominance of AI market — Financial Times [$]

Nvidia has launched new Blackwell GPUs with 208 billion transistors, significantly more than the previous 80 billion in the H100 model. These chips are designed to be twice as powerful for AI training and five times better for AI response tasks. Nvidia's CEO announced the GB200 "superchip," combining two Blackwell GPUs with a "Grace" CPU. Major cloud providers are set to be customers for this launch. Nvidia's market cap hits $2.2tn, making it the world's third most valuable company.

[7.2] Computing 'paradigm shift' could see phones and laptops run twice as fast - without replacing a single component — Livescience.com

Scientists have developed a new computing method that could make devices like phones and laptops twice as fast without changing their parts. This method, called "simultaneous and heterogeneous multithreading" (SHMT), allows different processing units to work on the same part of a program at once, instead of one after the other. In tests, SHMT made a prototype system nearly twice as fast and used half the energy compared to traditional methods. However, more research is needed to see how it works in real-world situations.

[7.2] EPA bans the most common form of cancer-causing asbestos — The Washington Post [$]

The EPA has finalized a ban on chrysotile asbestos, a substance linked to 40,000 U.S. deaths annually. This move comes after a 30-year struggle since the EPA's initial attempt was blocked in 1991. Chrysotile, used in vehicle brakes and other products, is the last of six asbestos forms still in use in the U.S.

[7.1] YouTube requires disclosure of synthetic media to combat misinformation — WIRED [$]

YouTube has updated its rules to fight fake videos. Now, creators must say if they use AI to make videos look real, like changing faces or faking events. But, AI-made cartoons for kids don't need a warning. Minor AI edits, like beauty filters, are also okay without telling viewers.

[6.9] North Korea says Kim Jong Un supervised tests of rocket launchers targeting Seoul — The Associated Press

North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, oversaw a live-fire exercise of large rocket launchers, potentially nuclear-capable, aimed at simulating an attack on Seoul. This action follows recent missile tests by North Korea, heightening regional tensions. The tests come after joint military drills between South Korea and the U.S., which North Korea views as hostile.

Highly covered news with significance over 6.5:

[6.6] Russian citizens protest against Putin's fifth term (The Washington Post + 66)

[6.5] Central banks hold rates, Bank of Japan may increase (The Australian Financial Review + 10)

Now, poll results.

Last week I ran a poll asking readers what they think about the “Highly covered news” section.

“I like it” got 89% of votes, making it more popular than Putin at his own election:

However, there was some good criticism in the replies that I want to address:

— Why not make popularity a part of a score?

Currently the score is entirely formed by AI. Adding a human factor would remove that quality and make it more susceptible to media bias.

— Some items in the “highly covered” section seem more important than regular news with a higher score. Maybe it’s best to focus on improving the scoring?

I know the scoring is not ideal. I had many ideas for improvement, but over time these improvements started to have lower and lower ROI, sometimes even making the results worse.

That’s why I decided to pause these improvements and look for other ways to surface important news, like the “highly covered” section.

— I value this email for bringing me news I don't get through other sources, so the highly covered bit seems counter to that goal.

Great point. I understand that News Minimalist is likely a secondary news source for many readers, given that I only send the newsletter once every few days. But I think surfacing these highly covered stories is still valuable — not everyone has seen them and they still have to pass the significance filter, just a little lower one.

That is all. Thanks again to everyone for your care and support! See you all soon.



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