OpenAI challenges Google Search + 2 more stories

Blind gamers hear games, OpenAI launches AI search, World warms beyond 1.5C

Today ChatGPT read 1091 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 3 articles with a significance score over 6.

[6.9] Visually impaired gamers cheer new software that lets them hear obstacles — The Straits Times

In Singapore, Josh Tseng, a visually impaired individual, benefits from JBL Quantum Guide Play software, enabling auditory gameplay for games like Counter-Strike 2. Launched on April 4 and developed with AbleGamers, it uses AI and spatial audio to interpret game visuals into sounds. Available for free, it is soon to be open-sourced.

(the rating seemed a bit high to me, but it’s justified by very high scores on novelty (8.0), actionability (9.0), and positivity (8.0))

[6.2] Global heating to exceed 1.5C target, scientists warn — The Guardian

The UN warns that the global temperature rise could exceed the 1.5C target, with a Guardian survey revealing that nearly 80% of almost 400 IPCC climate experts (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) expect a rise of at least 2.5C. The UN and climate leaders call for urgent, radical actions to prevent catastrophic impacts, emphasizing the 2020s as critical for achieving change.

[6.0] OpenAI to unveil Google Search competitor, challenging Google's dominance — India Today

OpenAI is preparing to launch an AI-powered search product, potentially on May 13, 2024, one day before Google's I/O event. This move aims to challenge Google’s dominance in the online search market. The new feature in ChatGPT will allow users to ask questions and receive internet-sourced answers with citations.

Highly covered news with significance over 5.3:

[5.8] 4 large incoming solar bursts could supercharge the auroras this weekend ( + 21)

[5.6] NASA plans levitating robot train on moon by 2030s
( + 3)

[5.3] Microsoft to launch mobile game store, competing with Apple and Google
(The Straits Times + 3)

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