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  • Non-magnetic material magnetized at room temperature + 1 more story

Non-magnetic material magnetized at room temperature + 1 more story

Lasers create magnetism at room temp. Severe childhood obesity reduces life expectancy.

Today ChatGPT read 1100 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 2 articles with a significance score over 6.

[6.7] Scientists magnetized non-magnetic material at room temperature — Livescience.com

Scientists have achieved a breakthrough by magnetizing a non-magnetic material at room temperature, paving the way for faster and more efficient computing. The team used laser light to switch magnetic fields on and off in materials that are typically non-magnetic. This innovation, which previously required extremely low temperatures, could now enhance data storage and speed up information transfer, potentially leading to smaller, faster, and more energy-efficient computers.

[6.0] Severe childhood obesity shortens life expectancy to 39 years — News-Medical.Net

New research presented at the European Congress on Obesity, which analyzed data from 50 clinical studies with over 10 million participants globally, has quantified the severe impact of childhood obesity on life expectancy.

A typical 4-year-old child with a normal body weight of about 16.5 kg (36 pounds) and a height of 103 cm has an average life expectancy of 80 years. However, the study reveals a stark reduction in life expectancy for children with higher body weights at the same age:

  • A child weighing 19.5 kg (43 pounds) has a reduced life expectancy of about 65 years.

  • A child weighing 22 kg (48 pounds) sees their life expectancy further reduced to 50 years.

  • A child weighing 27 kg (60 pounds) faces a drastically shortened life expectancy of only 39 years.

These findings show how seriously childhood obesity can affect long-term health, emphasizing the importance of taking action early.

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