Monday, September 18 — 2 significant news stories

Derna floods' devastating toll, EU's looming battery dependency

Today ChatGPT read 1249 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 2 articles with a significance score over 7.

[7.6] Severe flooding in Derna, Libya leaves thousands dead and displaced. — Reuters

Severe flooding in Derna, Libya resulted from the breaking of two dams on September 10, leading to massive devastation in the region. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported a death toll of 11,300, although the exact number remains disputed. The flooding displaced more than 40,000 individuals.

[7.5] EU's lithium-ion battery dependency on China could mirror energy dependency on Russia. — Reuters

The European Union could become as dependent on China for lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells by 2030 as it was on Russia for energy before the war in Ukraine, according to a paper prepared for EU leaders. The paper highlights the need for the EU to take strong measures to reduce its dependency on China and diversify towards Africa and Latin America, as the demand for lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells is expected to multiply between 10 and 30 times in the coming years due to the need for energy storage to reach the EU's goal of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.

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