Monday, July 17 — 3 significant news stories

Russia-Ukraine grain deal disruption, EU scrutinizes Microsoft, and US military email mishap

There was no significant news yesterday that we haven’t already covered.

Today ChatGPT read 1263 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 3 articles with a significance score over 8.

[8.5] Russia withdraws from UN-brokered deal to export Ukrainian grainFinancial Times

Russia has officially withdrawn from a UN-brokered deal to export Ukrainian grain across the Black Sea, potentially jeopardizing tens of millions of tonnes of food exports from Ukraine. Russia has complained that western sanctions were hindering a parallel agreement to allow payments, insurance, and shipping for its own agricultural exports. The initiative has allowed Ukraine to export over 32.9 million metric tonnes of food by sea since August, with more than half going to developing countries.

[8.1] Microsoft under EU antitrust investigation over Teams and Office software — Financial Times

Microsoft is set to face its first formal EU antitrust investigation in 15 years over allegations that it unfairly ties its video conferencing app Teams with its Office software. The European Commission's decision to open the investigation signals its determination to crack down on practices by large tech companies that could stifle competition. Microsoft could face formal charges as early as autumn if the probe proceeds.

[8.0] Millions of US military emails misdirected to Mali due to "typo leak" — Financial Times

Millions of US military emails have been misdirected to Mali through a “typo leak” that has exposed highly sensitive information, including diplomatic documents, tax returns, passwords and the travel details of top officers. Despite repeated warnings over a decade, a steady flow of email traffic continues to the .ML domain, the country identifier for Mali, as a result of people mistyping .MIL, the suffix to all US military email addresses. Control of the .ML domain will revert on Monday from Johannes Zuurbier, a Dutch internet entrepreneur who has a contract to manage Mali’s country domain, to Mali’s government, which is closely allied with Russia.

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