Monday, August 21 — 2 significant news stories

Canadian wildfire crisis, US Covid booster campaign

There was no significant news yesterday that we haven’t already covered, so I skipped the email.

Today ChatGPT read 1154 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 2 articles with a significance score over 7.

[7.4] Canadian armed forces deployed to combat British Columbia wildfires — The Guardian

Canada has deployed armed forces to tackle the fast-spreading wildfires in British Columbia, as more than 35,000 people were put under evacuation orders. The wildfires have led to a state of emergency being imposed in the province, with over 380 fires burning, 150 of which are out of control. The severity of the wildfires has drained local resources and drawn in federal government assistance, as well as support from 13 countries.

[7.2] Biden administration plans nationwide COVID-19 booster shot campaign — Reuters

The Biden administration plans to encourage all Americans to get a booster shot for COVID-19 in the fall to combat a new wave of infections, according to a White House official. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported an increase in infections and hospital admissions, although overall levels remain low. Vaccine makers Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, and BioNTech have developed updated versions of their shots to target new subvariants of the virus, pending approval from health regulators.

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