Monday, April 24 — 3 most significant news

Only significant news, summarized by ChatGPT

Every day, I ask ChatGPT to read the top 1000 trending news and post only the significant ones. No junk news, ever: if nothing significant happens, nothing gets posted.

Today ChatGPT read 1280 articles and gave 3 of them a score over 6.5.

Here is today’s most significant news:

[6.6] Over 1 in 5 adults in the US live with chronic pain, with 17 million experiencing high-impact chronic pain. — The Washington Post

Over 52 million adults in the US, or more than one in five, experienced chronic pain in 2021, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study also found that chronic pain was more prevalent among women, older adults, people with disabilities, and those with poor general health.

[6.6] UK faces worst food price inflation since 1977, exacerbating cost of living crisis. — The Guardian

The cost of a weekly food shop in the UK is rising at the fastest annual rate since 1977, with no items falling in price. Inflation in food and nonalcoholic drinks has reached 19.1%. Factors contributing to the increase include extreme weather, bird flu, and possible profiteering by food manufacturers and price gouging by supermarkets. The weakness of the pound since the 2016 Brexit vote has driven up import costs, and British farmers say the government is not taking adequate steps to support domestic production.

[6.5] British Petroleum faces thousands of lawsuits over long-term health conditions from Deepwater Horizon oil spill. — The Guardian

Thousands of people have sued BP for long-term health conditions they claim stem from cleaning up the Deepwater Horizon oil spill 13 years ago. The Guardian analyzed a random sample of 400 lawsuits out of the nearly 5,000 filed against BP, finding sinus issues as the most common chronic health problem listed, followed by eye, skin, and respiratory ailments. BP did not collect evidence that could have shown if workers were exposed to toxins, instead relying on air monitoring. The company has been accused of using 'scorched earth tactics' in court, and documents suggest BP did not properly prepare workers to handle toxic chemicals.

We don’t fully agree with today’s selection, but won’t edit it to avoid introducing our own bias. In the future, we’ll try to nudge AI to lower the score if it only affects single country.

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Thanks for reading us and see you tomorrow,
News Minimalist


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