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  • Intranasal gel mask shields against viruses, New RSV treatment success

Intranasal gel mask shields against viruses, New RSV treatment success

Nirsevimab reduces infant RSV hospitalizations significantly. Chinese scientists create a novel intranasal mask spray for virus protection

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[8.0] Nirsevimab reduces infant RSV hospitalizations by 80% — The Guardian

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that nirsevimab, a monoclonal antibody, reduced hospital admissions for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) by 80% in infants. The international trial included 8,058 babies, finding hospitalization rates dropped from 1.5% to 0.3% with nirsevimab treatment. Globally, RSV is a significant health concern, causing 100,000 deaths annually in children under five.

[7.3] Chinese scientists developed intranasal mask spray to prevent viral infection — South China Morning Post

Chinese researchers developed a nasal spray that forms a gel mask in the nose, reducing respiratory virus entry from 55% to 7%. Published in Nature Communications, this technology, tested on mice and human respiratory tract models (not actual humans), shows potential in protecting against various airborne viruses, including mutated strains. The gel, effective for up to eight hours, offers an alternative for those unable to wear traditional face masks.

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