Friday, May 5 — nothing important happened

Only significant news. All signal, no noise.

Today is a special day.

ChatGPT read 1208 top news and none of them got a significance score over 6.5.

But I’ll still show you one article from 6 years ago:

[10] 'There is no news': What a change from 1930 to today. — BBC

If you still want to read something, you can check news with lower score on

And if you’re a new subscriber, you can take a look at yesterday’s issue, it had 5 significant news.

Unimportant note (feel free to skip): some people could’ve noticed that there were some news with significance score over 6.5 at the start of day that were later removed. They got incorrect score initially because algorithm failed at extracting full article content. After reading the full content, ChatGPT gave them significance scores around 4.

Thanks for reading us and see you tomorrow,
News Minimalist


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