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  • Friday, June 16 — Project updates and 2 significant news stories

Friday, June 16 — Project updates and 2 significant news stories

Advances in polio vaccination, IMF's eurozone economic advice

Two quick project updates.

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Back to the news…

Today ChatGPT read 1107 top news stories and gave 4 of them a significance score over 7.

After removing previously covered events, here is today’s significant news:

[7.5] New polio vaccines developed to bolster global eradication efforts — Open Access Government

Scientists have developed two new oral polio vaccines, the first in five decades, aiming to reduce the risk of harmful mutations. This innovation comes in response to the persistent threat of polio, a debilitating disease particularly affecting children. These vaccines, when combined with an existing version, could provide lifelong protection against all strains of polio, potentially leading to its eradication. Human trials are in progress to confirm these vaccines' safety and effectiveness.

[7.4] IMF urges ECB to raise rates and eurozone governments to cut deficits to combat inflation — Reuters.com

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has urged the European Central Bank (ECB) to continue raising rates to bring down inflation, and for eurozone governments to cut budget deficits to help it. The IMF also called on EU governments to agree on a reform of the bloc's fiscal and debt rules that underpin the value of the euro. The ECB raised borrowing costs to their highest level in 22 years on Thursday and said stubbornly high inflation all but guaranteed another move next month and likely beyond that too.

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