Friday, July 28 — 4 significant news stories

Era of global boiling, coal consumption peak, Mali's UN departure, super typhoon Doksuri threatens China

Today ChatGPT read 1111 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 4 articles with a significance score over 8.

[9.4] UN Secretary General declares era of global boiling has begun — The Guardian

UN Secretary General António Guterres has declared that the era of global warming has ended and the era of global boiling has begun, following confirmation that July 2023 is on track to be the hottest month on record. Guterres called for immediate and dramatic climate action to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.

[8.3] Global coal consumption reaches new all-time high, driven by growth in Asia —

Global coal consumption reached a new all-time high in 2022 and is expected to remain near that level in 2023, driven by strong growth in Asia for power generation and industrial applications. China, India, and Southeast Asian countries are projected to account for three-quarters of global coal consumption in 2023. However, coal demand is declining in the US and Europe due to the expansion of renewables and lower natural gas prices. The International Energy Agency emphasizes the need for greater policy efforts and investments to drive a surge in clean energy and energy efficiency to reduce coal demand in fast-growing economies.

[8.0] Mali government asks UN peacekeepers to leave, turns to Russian paramilitary group Wagner for assistance — ABC News

The government of Mali has asked the United Nations peacekeepers stationed in the country to leave, as the country increasingly turns to Russian paramilitary group Wagner for assistance. Wagner has been expanding its influence in Africa, building partnerships with coup leaders and autocrats and offering military training and private security in exchange for mining rights. The presence of Wagner forces in Mali has increased tensions in the region, and locals fear that the withdrawal of UN peacekeepers will lead to a deterioration in security and an increase in human rights abuses.

[8.0] Super typhoon Doksuri regains strength, heads for south-eastern China — ABC News

Typhoon Doksuri has regained super typhoon strength as it approaches south-eastern China, after causing destruction in Taiwan and the northern Philippines. China has launched emergency flood control operations and schools and workplaces have been closed in anticipation of the typhoon's arrival.

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