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  • Friday, August 18 — Project update and 2 significant news stories

Friday, August 18 — Project update and 2 significant news stories

Evergrande's US bankruptcy filing, Tenerife wildfire crisis

Hey, my fellow readers! I have another update for you.

I’ve added two parameters to the scoring: actionability and immediacy.

Actionability shows whether a reader can do something for their benefit or protection in response to the event. Examples:

  • Low actionability: A famous broadcaster died at 88; Scientists discovered one of the earliest galaxies in the universe.

  • High actionability: A city announced an evacuation order due to wildfires; WhatsApp introduced a new feature.

Immediacy shows how close in time the event is. The higher the number, the closer in time the event. Examples:

  • Low immediacy: melting glaciers will create new ecosystems by 2100.

  • High immediacy: a metro line has been closed today.

My hope is that these parameters will shift the focus of the top news from remote events that we have little control over to more actionable, current, confirmed events.

Today ChatGPT read 1046 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 2 articles with a significance score over 7.

[7.2] China Evergrande Group files for bankruptcy protection in US court amid deepening property crisis — Reuters

China Evergrande Group, one of the world's most indebted property developers, has filed for bankruptcy protection in a US court as part of a debt restructuring process. The filing, made under Chapter 15 of the US bankruptcy code, is procedural in nature and allows Evergrande to shield itself from creditors while it undergoes restructuring. The move comes as China's property sector faces a deepening crisis, which has led to a string of defaults by other developers and raised concerns about the stability of the country's economy.

[7.2] Wildfire in Tenerife threatens thousands and burns vast areas — ABC News

An out-of-control wildfire on the Spanish Canary island of Tenerife has burned thousands of acres and affected nearly 8,000 people who are either evacuated or confined. The fire, which started on Tuesday night, is threatening six municipalities and is the most complicated blaze the Canary Islands have seen in at least the last 40 years, according to Regional President Fernando Clavijo. Spanish authorities are working to contain the fire and prevent it from reaching more populated areas.

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