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  • First gene-edited pig liver transplant + 3 more stories

First gene-edited pig liver transplant + 3 more stories

First successful gene-edited pig liver in human; major firms miss climate targets.

Thank you to everyone for their responses in yesterday’s poll! I’ll analyze them and send another project update next week.

Today ChatGPT read 1132 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 2 articles with a significance score over 6.8.

[7.2] Chinese patient receives world’s first gene-edited pig liver transplant — South China Morning Post [$]

Chinese scientists have achieved a world-first by transplanting a gene-edited pig liver into a human. The procedure, aimed at addressing organ shortages, showed no rejection signs four days post-surgery. Annually, liver disease causes 2 million deaths globally. Xenotransplantation could revolutionize treatment for end-stage liver disease. The success follows similar U.S. transplants of pig kidneys and hearts into humans, but livers present greater challenges due to their complexity.

[6.8] Companies take step back from making climate target promises — Financial Times [$]

Over 230 companies, including Microsoft and Unilever, failed to meet a two-year deadline to set ambitious climate targets, leading to their removal from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validation process. These firms were among 1,045 that pledged to aim for net zero emissions at the 2021 UN COP26 summit. The SBTi ensures targets align with the Paris climate accord's goal to limit warming to 1.5C. Some companies argue that government policies don't support the rapid changes needed.

Highly covered news with significance over 6.5:

[6.6] China urges nuclear de-escalation amid Russia's readiness for conflict (Newsweek + 8)

[6.7] Google is changing how Chrome detects and warns you about unsafe sites (TechCrunch + 3)

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