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  • EU's binding nature restoration, satellite tracks CO2 emissions by facility

EU's binding nature restoration, satellite tracks CO2 emissions by facility

The weekends are usually quiet, and there's not much news being published. To make it easier on your inboxes, I prefer not to send out emails with scant content. Yesterday, for instance, we had only one article. In such cases, I will delay sending the newsletter and include the article in the next day's edition instead. Don't worry about missing something important — I will only do this if the news is not time-sensitive.

Today ChatGPT read 1055 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there is 1 article with a significance score over 7 (plus 1 article from yesterday).

[7.2] EU strikes landmark deal on law to restore and protect nature — The Guardian

EU lawmakers and member states have agreed on a nature restoration law, requiring at least 20% of the EU's land and seas to be restored, with binding targets to restore 30% of degraded habitats by 2030, rising to 60% by 2040 and 90% by 2050. The law includes carveouts for farmers and an "emergency brake" if food production is threatened. The European Commission estimates a 8-38x return on investment for land restoration.

[7.1] New satellite will detect and share CO2 data from individual facilities — Reuters

Canadian company GHGSat launched the Vanguard satellite to detect carbon dioxide emissions from individual facilities like coal plants and steel mills from space. The satellite aims to hold polluting industries accountable and help reduce emissions. Vanguard will complement existing satellites that monitor methane emissions. GHGSat's data is available for sale to industrial emitters, governments, and scientists.

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