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  • Chinese market decline and endangered animals in medicine

Chinese market decline and endangered animals in medicine

Today ChatGPT read 1261 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 2 articles with a significance score over 7.

[7.5] Chinese shares hit lowest level since 2019 — Financial Times [$]

Chinese shares have fallen to their lowest level since 2019, driven by slowing economic growth, a liquidity crisis in the property sector, and geopolitical tensions. The gauge has fallen about 15% this year in dollar terms, and global funds have sold a net $23bn worth of shares since August, leaving net inflows for the year down more than 70% from their peak.

[7.1] Chinese drugmakers use endangered animals in products — Reuters

Three publicly traded Chinese drugmakers have been found to use parts of endangered animals in their products, according to a report by the Environmental Investigation Agency. The report identified 72 firms that use body parts of threatened leopards and pangolins in at least 88 traditional Chinese medicine products. The agency called on global investors, including major banks and financial institutions, to divest from these companies.

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