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  • California's Red Dye ban and China's youth unemployment

California's Red Dye ban and China's youth unemployment

Today ChatGPT read 1021 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 2 articles with a significance score over 7.

[7.1] California bans Red Dye No. 3 due to cancer concerns. — The New York Times [$]

California has become the first state to ban Red Dye No. 3, a chemical linked to cancer, in food. The ban includes Halloween treats and other foods sold at national chains like Walmart and Target. The move puts pressure on the FDA to examine similar questions about artificial colors and ingredients, but the agency is currently undergoing reorganization after a scandal involving infant formula raised concerns about food oversight.

[7.0] High youth unemployment in China pushes graduates to rural areas. — The Independent

Millions of young university graduates in China are struggling to find work, with more than one in five people between the ages of 16 and 24 out of work, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics. The jobless rate for people aged 16 to 24 in China for June 2023 was 21.3%, while the unemployment rate for those between the ages of 25 and 59 was just 4.1%. The high unemployment rate and low salaries are pushing many young people to leave urban areas and pursue opportunities in rural areas, following President Xi Jinping's call to "revitalise the rural economy."

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