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  • AI tool predicts viral variants, largest DDoS attack, OpenAI updates, and €1 billion pledge to end polio.

AI tool predicts viral variants, largest DDoS attack, OpenAI updates, and €1 billion pledge to end polio.

Today ChatGPT read 1222 top news stories. After removing previously covered events, there are 4 articles with a significance score over 7.

[7.5] AI tool EVEscape predicts viral variants before they emerge. — Harvard Gazette

Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of Oxford have developed an artificial intelligence tool called EVEscape that can predict new viral variants before they emerge. The tool combines a model of evolutionary sequences with detailed biological and structural information about the virus to make predictions about the most likely variants to occur as the virus evolves. In a study published in Nature, the researchers demonstrated that EVEscape accurately predicted the most frequent mutations and identified concerning variants for SARS-CoV-2, as well as making accurate predictions for other viruses such as HIV and influenza.

[7.2] Google, Amazon, Cloudflare defend against largest DDoS attack, urge updates. — Reuters

Google, Amazon, and Cloudflare have reported that they successfully defended against the largest-known denial of service (DDoS) attack on the internet. The attack, which began in late August, was three times larger than any previous attack observed and targeted servers using a new technique that exploits a weakness in the HTTP/2 network protocol. The companies are urging others to update their web servers to prevent vulnerability to such attacks.

[7.0] OpenAI plans cost-cutting updates and vision capabilities for developers. — Reuters

OpenAI is set to introduce significant updates next month aimed at making it more cost-effective and efficient for developers to build applications using its AI models. The new offerings include memory storage features that could cut costs for developers by up to 20x and vision capabilities that allow for image analysis, broadening its applicability in sectors ranging from entertainment to medicine. These updates will be announced at OpenAI's first-ever developer conference on November 6, as part of the company's strategic objective to become indispensable to businesses developing AI-powered applications.

[7.0] EU, Gates Foundation, and EIB pledge €1 billion to end polio. — Reuters

The European Union, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the European Investment Bank, has announced a financing package of over 1 billion euros ($1.06 billion) to eradicate polio. While cases of polio have declined by 99% since the 1990s, the disease has proven challenging to completely eradicate, with the wild form now only endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the vaccine-derived strain more widespread. The funding will be used to support vaccination campaigns and efforts to eliminate both forms of the disease.

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